Chrysanthemum has bitter and sweet taste, slightly warm nature, and belongs to the lung and liver meridians. Its efficacy is dispersing wind and clearing heat, calming liver and improving eyesight, clearing heat and detoxifying. Its effects are as follows:1. In the treatment of cold due to wind heat, chrysanthemum is pungent and dispersive at the beginning of febrile disease. Clear body can reach the surface, clear Qi can float up, and slight cold can clear away heat. Its function is to disperse wind heat of lung meridian, but the power of dispersing exterior evil is not very strong. Therefore, it is often used to treat fever, headache and cough of cold due to wind heat or febrile disease. It is often used with Forsythia suspense, mint and Platycodon grandiflorum;
td {border: 1.0px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement: same-cell;}Slightly sweet and creamy with full flavour of fresh fruits. Perfect for milk based beverages and hot& cold coffee. The key is Simplicity. Simply pair it with fresh milk, chocolate drinks, or mix it with café latte for more aromatic and delightful drinking experience.
Slightly sweet and creamy with full flavour of fresh fruits. Perfect for milk based beverages and hot& cold coffee. The key is Simplicity. Simply pair it with fresh milk, chocolate drinks, or mix it with café latte for more aromatic and delightful drinking experience.